Among proven psychological methods, a common process helps us resolve repetitive life problems.
Recent years have witnessed a robust research literature on the outcomes of counseling and psychotherapy. Much of that research began as a quest to understand which techniques are the most effective in helping people make positive life changes. An interesting finding from these studies is that the various evidence-based approaches are effective in initiating and sustaining change and that they appear to be effective because of ingredients they share, not due to their unique elements. My colleagues at SUNY Upstate Medical University and I propose that these common factors can be concentrated to speed the process of emotional and behavioral change. Can we make use of these common factors in our self-help efforts to change negative patterns that interfere with our productivity, success, and happiness? In this article, I will propose several common, effective ingredients of major helping approaches that can catalyze our self-improvement.
1) Self awareness – The significant problems that occur in our lives are ones that are patterned: they show up in various work and life situations in ways that we cannot fully control. Freud referred to this as a “repetition compulsion”. It is almost as if we are compelled to respond to situations with fear/anxiety, anger, depressed moods, or impulsive action. Every major successful approach to helping begins with what my coauthors and I called a “translation”: a different way of viewing these patterns. For instance, traders in financial markets will sometimes respond to losses with frustration and self-criticism. These reactions can lead to poor decision making and further losses. By translating their self-talk into actual conversation and imagining themselves saying those things to someone else in the identical situation, the trader quickly recognizes how counterproductive and damaging such self-talk can be. Similarly, couples who find themselves in repetitive patterns of argument might take a short break and then switch roles, allowing for a fresh perspective on how the other person might be feeling. A person who has been battling alcohol might feel a repetitive craving to drink in a situation and then quickly visualize and relive all the emotional pain caused by past drinking. In each of these cases, recognizing when a negative pattern of behavior is occurring and then viewing the pattern from a different emotional perspective helps to derail the pattern and establish control over it.
2) Finding and building upon exceptions to problem patterns – In what is known as the solution-focused approach, we work on our repetitive problems by examining what we are doing when those problems don’t occur. Many times, such exceptions provide clues as to our strengths and competencies. For example, the couple who finds themselves periodically locked in arguments might examine what each member is doing when they are fruitfully discussing issues and not arguing. This leads to efforts to do more of what works, by building on positive patterns of thought, feeling, and action. Similarly, traders might look to occasions when they take losses in their positions and do not respond with frustration. By reverse-engineering such solutions and figuring out how they are able to not fall into destructive patterns, traders begin the process of building new and more positive ways of responding to situations. While not all approaches to helping are explicitly solution-focused, all help people respond to old, troublesome situations in new and constructive ways. The idea is to capture your sense of your “best self” and consciously respond to trigger situations in constructive ways.
3) Rehearsal – What the research literature tells us is that significant change does not occur overnight. Once we find a way to interrupt old, counterproductive patterns and replace them with new and constructive ones, the challenge becomes one of internalizing our new patterns and cementing them as positive habits. It thus becomes important to rehearse change efforts over many days and weeks until the desired changes become more automatic and consistent. If we do not internalize initial efforts at change, the result is likely to be relapse: a falling back into old repetitions. Many people I work with keep a daily journal to track significant events in their lives and how they responded to those as a way of ensuring practice and the internalization of new changes. Working with a coach or therapist can be a way of structuring this rehearsal, much as working with a trainer in a gym creates consistency in one’s workouts.
Disrupting old, negative patterns; replacing them with constructive alternatives during heightened physical and emotional states; and then rehearsing those new patterns to ensure their internalization: this is the heart of the change process. Many times we fail to make changes in life because we don’t maintain the self-awareness to challenge our old patterns and enact new ones. As with New Year’s resolutions, simply wanting to change isn’t sufficient. There is a well-studied process for making changes in our lives that we can draw upon to become our best versions of ourselves.