Are you ready to go from dependence on foreign oil to dependence on China for solar panels?
That’s right. China is preparing to be the world’s Green OPEC. Who’s ready to challenge them on that?
As the West kicks fossil fuels to the curb, it is turning to only two sources of energy to generate electricity: wind and solar. Wind is still a European business, but that will change. Solar used to be a European business. It used to also be an American one. Now it’s a Chinese industry. Of the top 10 solar companies in the world, 8 are Chinese. None are European (Norway’s REC Group used to be their, but now owned by ChemChina). One is American — First Solar
“One of the biggest mistakes the West has done on green policies to cut CO2 emissions and trying to reduce dependence on oil and gas producing nations is that the transition to renewable energy puts the West at the mercy of China,” says David Zaikin, an energy industry consultant and founder of Key Elements Group in London.
The Biden Administration wants to reduce fossil fuel use and the President has said on his campaign trail that he was aiming to have upwards of 500 million solar panels installed nationwide. Where will they be made?
Competing with the 8 behemoths of China will be a tough slog. The economies of scale there are tough to beat.

China really doesn’t need the U.S. market. It has a monster market of its own. Here, an aerial view … [+]
Worse yet, China continues to raise the stakes with large subsidies supporting billions of dollars of Chinese solar industry expansion. “Beijing’s goal is global dominance of this industry,” says Jeff Ferry, chief economist for the Coalition for a Prosperous America (CPA) in Washington. They published a 19 page report on China and the solar industry last week. In it, Ferry said that Chinese dominance along solar supply chains threatens U.S. energy independence and U.S. technology leadership in solar and other clean energy technologies.
“Our evidence documents the China chokehold on solar manufacturing,” Ferry says. “China is seeking global dominance of this industry because they recognize the importance of renewable energy and if they achieve their dominance in solar energy this will give them a huge advantage in winning support and loyalty from many other countries around the world. In the game of global geopolitics, control of energy supply is a vital weapon and advantage. In a hyper-competitive business world, being number one in energy production is much more important than being number one in stock market listings or basketball sneakers.”
Solar panels aren’t made from glass. There are three key items that must be made before the solar panel you have on your roof gets made.
To put it simply, solar panels are made from polysilicon that gets turned into ingots and wafers that get turned into solar cells that are then wired up and plugged into solar modules (panels) that are built by machines — usually made in China.

Two manufacturers put the finishing touches on solar panels for export to Africa and Southeast Asia … [+]
Nearly 80% of the solar panels installed here are from China companies. In 2019, U.S. made solar panels hit a 10-year high of 19.8% of market share, but that, says Ferry, is mostly thanks to tariffs and the anti-dumping/countervailing duties imposed on Chinese firms by the International Trade Commission.
Not too long ago, U.S. companies beat Chinese firms in an anti-dumping case which increased tariffs. China quickly ramped up in southeast Asia to bypass those duties. In 2018, the Trump Administration put tariffs on solar sourced from anywhere in the world, giving American based companies a chance to compete. China’s JinkoSolar, a top 10 player, set up shop in Jacksonville because of the tariffs.
Even so, if there are three ingredients that go into making a solar panel here in the U.S., all of them are going to come from China. If not from mainland China, then from Asia and by Chinese firms.
China controls 64% of polysilicon material worldwide — the raw material used to make solar ingots and wafers. The U.S. has a 10% market share.
After polysilicon comes the solar ingots and solar wafers. China’s share of that worldwide is nearly 100%.
China’s global share of solar cell manufacturing is 80%. The U.S. barely makes these things, too. Our share is in the low single digits.
The CPA report says that the U.S. needs to implement policies designed to secure the long-term future of an end-to-end U.S. solar supply chain, using a mixture of incentives, tax credits, government procurement policies for solar installations on government property, and tariffs. And they need to be long-term, because our “strategic rival” as Biden calls China, thinks long-term, they said.
The Section 201 safeguard tariffs expire February 2022.

A Trina Solar solar wafer making lab. (Photo by PHILIPPE LOPEZ/AFP via Getty Images)
The goal — from an energy security perspective — should be American resilience and self-sufficiency in solar power technology and manufacturing. It would be a shame if, just as the U.S. becomes more sufficient in oil and gas, we dump it all for a technology that is woefully reliant on Chinese firms.
Paul Mutchler, the director of commercial operations at Mission Solar Energy LLC in San Antonio, says the company got its start in 2012 thanks to a supply agreement from CPS Energy, the country’s largest municipally owned utility company. They were contracted to do 400 megawatts of solar. They built a factory to make solar panels and shipped their first ones to CPS Energy in 2014.
But, they are as reliant as anyone on foreign sources of solar materials used in manufacturing their Texan solar panels.
“We are competing against Chinese owned companies located outside of China,” he says. “It is more difficult for us because we only have one factory with our name on it and it is here in the U.S.”
Section 201 tariffs helped Mission, he says, “because it increased the cost of imports and when imports are made at the economy of scale as they are, it matters. That 30% tariff was a big hurdle for them. It’s also bringing more of the supply chain here and that helps us in the end.”
Those tariffs started at 30% in 2018 and will decline by 5 percentage points each year over a four-year period. The tariffs gave a kick-start to the industry.

Jinko Solar executives watch their IPO on the NYSE in 2010. Since then, their stock price has risen … [+]
“We were dead wrong believing people wanted made in the USA, and it cost us millions. People wanted the lowest price,” Mamun Rashid, COO of Auxin Solar is quoted as saying in the CPA report. Auxin started in 2008 and was wrecked by China’s low cost production and economies of scale.
In 2019, in the wake of the tariffs, Auxin’s business came back. Production approached the 150 megawatt capacity at their San Jose plant for the first time in years. “We are alive today because of the 201s,” Rashid is quoted saying.
The CPA report highlights China’s main players along the supply chain.
The polysilicon, ingot, and wafer-making businesses are dominated by half a dozen Chinese companies, namely Daqo New Energy
Chinese industries have repeatedly used the domination of one part of a supply chain to drive foreign competition out of other sections of the chain, making them the indispensable link. Honestly, it’s an evil genius move.
Ferry says that the danger of China exercising its choke-hold to seize ever-larger market share “is a very real threat and makes it difficult for U.S. entrepreneurs to raise money to invest in domestic solar manufacturing projects.”
The CPA report called for longer-term global tariffs on solar, and provisions in government procurement contracts that would require more of the solar panel components be made in the U.S. Tax credits for products with more American components were also recommended as a way to reshore more of the solar industry.

China has long been an oversupplier of solar materials, crushing prices globally. They have so much … [+]
According to Zaikin, who did not take part in the study and was only contacted by myself on this, the U.S. is ahead of Europe when it comes to solar manufacturing. “If it is a European solar panel, it’s from China. They are the major supplier,” he says. “There is some industry in Spain but in the last few years that whole industry was left to die because the costs went up and they all moved to China. Now that cost of production is down they are trying to bring it back, but they are nowhere near where they would like to be. The U.S. is in better shape than Europe.”
For Ferry, the reason for that lies in tariffs.
“China controls too much of the solar energy supply chain today and there is nothing stopping us from creating the policies that ensure we have an end-to-end supply chain in this country,” he says.