I recently had a startling experience, one that haunts me and which I believe has major implications for the state of our economy.
I was in serious discussions with top executives at a major U.S. corporation discussing specific operating principles for stakeholder capitalism. My colleagues and I were describing how a corporation should engage in practical, constructive terms with each of seven critical stakeholders, including ways to measure progress by both management and the board. It was general enough to be applied to any corporation, big or small, valid across any industry. It is the first practical step for business since The Business Roundtable issued their seminal brief in 2019, calling for a redefinition of the corporation to serve all of its stakeholders, not just the shareholders. The top executives were very excited by the plan I shared. They had discussed it with their CEO and he agreed it was a “great idea” and they wanted to pursue it. The CEO wanted to meet with me and my partners at JUST Capital to agree on next steps. We were excited indeed to engage with their top CEO. Then, a few days later, we got word that the CEO was still very interested but given his schedule, we couldn’t meet for some 3 weeks.
Alas, this experience is not unique. 18 months after that bold statement of purpose by the BRT, talk of stakeholder capitalism is pervasive, but action is nearly absent. Most business leaders admit it’s probably a good idea. But when asked what it really means, the answers are vague. Many say they already take good care of their people. A few dared to measure just how well their people are doing and found that a large minority of their workforce were shopping using food stamps. Is that really surprising? In 2018, the Fed reported that 40% of Americans would be forced to borrow if faced with an unexpected expense of just $400. The current business governance is pressuring CEOs to allocate just over 90% of operating profit to shareholders. R&D spending is down, basic research is down, patents are down, productivity is down, wages for American workers have been flat with inflation for 40 years. As a result, nearly three-quarters of America’s workers are disconnected from their enterprises. And 13% actively work against the interests of the company. All these facts are pre-pandemic.
Then, Covid came. And it woke us all up for a while. We saw this brutal inequality live on the TV screens. The pain, the suffering, these job losses, those now homeless because they couldn’t pay their rent or their mortgages. The miles long lines of cars waiting for hours, or even days to get a box of food from the food bank. Meanwhile our shareholder primacy capitalism produced an additional $1.06 trillion dollars’ worth of wealth in just under nine months for America’s 651 billionaires according to a recent report titled, “Billionaire Bonanza” from the Institute for Policy Studies. Collectively, their net worth now exceeds 4 trillion dollars.
I find this revolting. And while I hope the spectacle that we witnessed will wake us up for a while, I’m afraid that it won’t. It certainly didn’t prompt the CEO I met with to put this issue on his agenda any quicker.
Too many corporate executives today seem content to pay lip service to the idea of stakeholder capitalism, but far too few are ready to take any definitive action. Most of us CEOs haven’t worried about communities or societies for 40 years or more, when they began following the doctrine of Milton Friedman who famously stated that the purpose of the corporate was to generate profit for the shareholder. My fellow CEOs, C-Suite mates, and families are doing just fine during the pandemic in our isolated country homes powered by the internet’s 5G juice.
But, Capitalists, we must now awaken – and awaken for good.
A shareholder primacy governance for America business must die. The socio-economic carnage it helps produce for most Americans and society as a whole is beyond any challengeable proposition. We must embrace and protect capitalism and identify a more promising and constructive governance to produce the needed, turbocharged inclusive prosperity and growth at this pivotal moment in our history.
I’ve spent the past five years working toward this better version of capitalism and in the process became a director of JUST Capital, not-for-profit organization founded by the brilliant financial entrepreneur, Paul Tudor Jones and led by an extraordinary CEO, Martin Whittaker. JUST Capital has been in touch with over 100,000 Americans, to annually assess how Americans believe a JUST company should behave. Using this criterion, the organization then annually ranks the top 1000 corporations (the Russell 1000) by the people’s criteria. This now annual ranking has caught the attention of both the public and the media and businesses have become increasingly interested in how to become more just. It was the exact goal that JUST Capital had hoped for.
Recently, JUST Capital’s citizen/consumer driven notions of justness, The Business Roundtable principles of August 2019, and the multiple stakeholder governance “Stakeholder Capitalism” (and other efforts—conscious capitalism, inclusive capitalism, etc.) converged. Importantly, the specific criteria were remarkably similar: take care of the workers, pay them fairly, provide appropriate benefits, do not discriminate on gender, race, sexual orientation, age, etc., produce safe, quality products; care for the environment and more. Out of all this, has come a sense that stakeholder capitalism’s seven stakeholders (customers, workers, shareholders, the corporation itself, vendors/suppliers, the environment, communities) must all be considered by any corporation. There’s a process of optimizing all stakeholders. There must be measurements and transparency on how a corporation treats each stakeholder. The perspective is also one of longer-term value creation. There’s a recognition that there’s synergistic value creation capability among a number of the stakeholders. And JUST Capital has just written the operating principles for stakeholder capitalism – the very plan that was presented to the CEO who was “interested” but couldn’t make time for three weeks to learn more.
I contend that we simply cannot wait any longer.
Last year, Microsoft
Business leaders like Nadella are rare. The rest must become wide awake to what’s happening in America today. The inequality issue must be addressed with urgency. Business must play the lead role in this area. Business must pay people fairly, and the minimum wage must become a realistic “living wage” relative to the location where people live and work. Proper benefits are also critical. We the business community must help improve this country’s diversity, inclusion, and yes, belonging. Only a few short years away, the majority of America will become today’s “diverse” citizens. Business must set the tone and provide opportunity for these groups of non-white Americans to truly belong. We have no choice. Economically and politically we are increasingly a multiracial, multigender community and society. Our business governance must recognize this reality.
Capitalism as a system, does not need democracy to function. But any functioning democracy in the 21st Century must adopt some form of stakeholder capitalism to survive, let alone thrive. This is not an academic concern. In the next two or so years, if business does not produce inclusive growth, the new Administration will fail, and our democratic society will be at grave risk. Society and business, like it or not, are linked together. So, wake up CEOs—quickly. The future of business and the nation will depend importantly on you.
We must accept that our version of capitalism of the past 40 years has been a driver of inequality. The American spirit of entrepreneurship can lift us to new level of reimaging a society of better educated youngsters, regardless of family income, where everyone can reach ever closer to their ultimate potential. The sense of common good must return and equal opportunity can become our nation’s aspiration.
The pandemic stripped away our illusions about ourselves, our inequality, and the destructive forces of shareholder primacy. The time is now for business leaders to not just talk but embrace the idea of stakeholder capitalism and help create the road map critical to its success.
Capitalists, awake. The time to act is now.