For the second day in a row, investors shook off hotter than expected inflation. Despite the consumer price index skyrocketing in May by 5% from a year ago, shattering the estimated 4.7% and the fastest the index rose since August 2008, investors largely overlooked it. The 10-year Treasury yield fell to 1.44% after trading as high as 1.77% earlier in the year, somewhat easing fears and showing that inflation may only be transitory. Investors also continued to cheer Thursday’s jobless claims data which again hit a pandemic era low. The Dow Jones gained 100 points, the S&P 500 added 0.2% to its record high, and the Nasdaq ticked up 0.1%. The Dow down 0.8% for the week, but the S&P 500 is up 0.2%, and the Nasdaq is up 1.5%. For investors looking to find the best opportunities, the deep learning algorithms at have crunched the data to give you a set of Top Buys. Our Artificial Intelligence (“AI”) systems assessed each firm on parameters of Technicals, Growth, Low Volatility Momentum, and Quality Value to find the best Top Buys.
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Autozone Inc (AZO)
Autozone is our first Top Buy today. Autozone is the largest aftermarket automotive parts and accessories retailer in the United States, and also has stores in Mexico, Puerto Rico and Brazil. Our AI systems rated Autozone A in Technicals, C in Growth, A in Low Volatility Momentum, and A in Quality Value. The stock closed down 0.89% to $1374.53 on volume of 209,990 vs its 10-day price average of $1395.19 and its 22-day price average of $1442.04, and is up 16.45% for the year. Revenue grew by 12.9% in the last fiscal year and grew by 27.1% over the last three fiscal years, Operating Income grew by 18.86% in the last fiscal year and grew by 39.32% over the last three fiscal years, and EPS grew by 26.59% in the last fiscal year and grew by 86.71% over the last three fiscal years. Revenue was $12631.97M in the last fiscal year compared to $11221.08M three years ago, Operating Income was $2501.58M in the last fiscal year compared to $2134.32M three years ago, and EPS was $71.93 in the last fiscal year compared to $48.77 three years ago. The stock is also trading with a Forward 12M P/E of 15.69.
Bunge Ltd (BG)
Bunge Ltd is our next Top Buy today. Bunge Ltd operates as a holding company that engages in the supply and transportation of agricultural commodities. Our AI systems rated the company B in Technicals, A in Growth, C in Low Volatility Momentum, and B in Quality Value. The stock closed down 1.42% to $87.53 on volume of 591,239 vs its 10-day price average of $88.55 and its 22-day price average of $88.26, and is up 33.21% for the year. Revenue grew by 9.15% in the last fiscal year, Operating Income grew by 70.61% in the last fiscal year and grew by 180.12% over the last three fiscal years, and EPS grew by 87.16% in the last fiscal year and grew by 780.26% over the last three fiscal years. Revenue was $41404.0M in the last fiscal year compared to $45743.0M three years ago, Operating Income was $1412.0M in the last fiscal year compared to $860.0M three years ago, EPS was $7.72 in the last fiscal year compared to $1.64 three years ago, and ROE was 17.86% in the last year compared to 3.91% three years ago. The stock is also trading with a Forward 12M P/E of 13.15.
Spx Flow Inc (FLOW)
Spx Flow Inc is our third Top Buy today. Spx Flow is a manufacturing company, which provides equipment for HVACs, and constructs holistic production lines and unit operations to build a competitively optimal chemical processing system. Our AI systems rated the company C in Technicals, B in Growth, A in Low Volatility Momentum, and B in Quality Value by our AI systems. The stock closed down 2.14% to $64.79 on volume of 121,397 vs its 10-day price average of $67.86 and its 22-day price average of $68.12, and is up 11.25% for the year. Revenue grew by 5.5% in the last fiscal year, Operating Income grew by 22.64% in the last fiscal year, and EPS grew by 421.36% in the last fiscal year. Revenue was $1350.6M in the last fiscal year compared to $1593.9M three years ago, Operating Income was $97.6M in the last fiscal year compared to $135.8M three years ago, EPS was $0.14 in the last fiscal year compared to $1.02 three years ago, and ROE was 4.48% in the last year compared to 1.1% three years ago. Forward 12M Revenue is expected to grow by 1.45% over the next 12 months, and the stock is trading with a Forward 12M P/E of 24.6.
Lowe’s Cos Inc (LOW)
Lowe’s Cos Inc is our fourth Top Buy today. Lowe’s is a big-box home improvement retailer, and ranks just behind Home Depot as the largest home improvement retailer in the country. Our AI systems rated Lowe’s B in Technicals, C in Growth, A in Low Volatility Momentum, and B in Quality Value. The stock closed down 0.95% to $188.78 on volume of 3,905,835 vs its 10-day price average of $191.25 and its 22-day price average of $193.33, and is up 17.71% for the year. Revenue grew by 5.3% in the last fiscal year and grew by 32.3% over the last three fiscal years, Operating Income grew by 11.51% in the last fiscal year and grew by 144.39% over the last three fiscal years, and EPS grew by 18.29% in the last fiscal year and grew by 222.8% over the last three fiscal years. Revenue was $89597.0M in the last fiscal year compared to $71309.0M three years ago, Operating Income was $10892.0M in the last fiscal year compared to $4970.0M three years ago, EPS was $7.75 in the last fiscal year compared to $2.84 three years ago, and ROE was 342.33% in the last year compared to 48.63% three years ago. The stock is also trading with a Forward 12M P/E of 17.46.
Spectrum Brand Holdings Inc (SPB)
Spectrum Brand Holdings is our final Top Buy today. The company engages in the manufacture, market, and distribution of consumer products such as Global Batteries and Appliances, Global Pet Supplies, Home and Garden, Hardware and Home Improvement, and Global Auto Care. Our AI systems rated the company B in Technicals, C in Growth, B in Low Volatility Momentum, and B in Quality Value. The stock closed down 0.53% to $86.13 on volume of 174,328 vs its 10-day price average of $87.46 and its 22-day price average of $89.26, and is up 10.28% for the year. Revenue grew by 12.24% in the last fiscal year and grew by 16.83% over the last three fiscal years, Operating Income grew by 38.96% in the last fiscal year and grew by 36.26% over the last three fiscal years, and EPS grew by 217.57% in the last fiscal year. Revenue was $3964.2M in the last fiscal year compared to $3808.7M three years ago, Operating Income was $388.3M in the last fiscal year compared to $396.0M three years ago, EPS was $2.18 in the last fiscal year compared to $20.74 three years ago, and ROE was 5.37% in the last year compared to 24.15% three years ago. The stock is also trading with a Forward 12M P/E of 16.78.
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